Sunday, May 17, 2020

The last post

Hi I'm Jim, Loretta's husband. 
For those that don't know yet Loretta went home to be with Jesus Monday night May 11 2020.

It was my privilege to have her as a companion and wonderful wife for 42 years. I'm sure many of you will agree with me her art, presents, insights and wisdom will be greatly missed.

So I welcome you to enjoy Loretta's art work. Join me in enjoying and celebrating the contribution that Loretta gave to all of us. I hope it enriches  and broaden your horizons of our world.


Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Ever since I was a little girl, i always wanted to an artist. To see this world thru the lens of beauty and color has been  GIFT.

life has taken A  is taken a turn Drs. say I have a deep brain tumor. So to consolidate I'll just be WRITING on my one privateBLOG, just me my life so I'm redirecting any interest TO other blog so have WRITE it once it's been so much fun being AN being an artist. I ALWAYS FELT LIKE IT WAS MY ONE LITTLE GIFT TO GIVE TO OTHERS TO ADD A LITTLE SUNSHINE TO THEIR LIVES…

Seeing color and patterns the Swirls in hidden images THAT ARE more real then We think we see on the surface the inner beauty OF hearts animals gorgeous nature and sharing that with each otheR.

 I I never did dark art I guess I just wanted TO  promote the goodNESS…GOD is a good God and I feel he wants to add BEAUTY AND LOVE to OUR LIVES

here's a blog link because you want to see what's up lately

by way using A CLUNKY Little dictation app so please forgive formatting and typos oh and I don't think IT likes me….. IT KEEPS SIGNING  me PIRANHA      HAHAHA