Friday, May 17, 2013

How To "RePurpose" Your Art!

These days we are all learning to reuse, recycle, repurpose stuff. Well, hows about our art?? I don't mean just the usual, like cards, prints, posters, etc; all the fun stuff that online print-on-demand places can create with your image.

I'm talking about ways that I can simply enjoy the image again, in a different format. And since I LOVE quotes, I enjoy making my own little motivational posters.

I think of good quotes as distilled wisdom. Um... notice I said good quotes. ;-)

It's easy to do. If you don't have Photoshop, which is where I play with mine, you can go to free places that do it automatically for you, in a set format, such as This Place.

Here is my latest... please to enjoy.

Happy poster making,



  1. Just beautiful Retta!

    1. Thank you, Ginny, I'm so glad you enjoyed it. :-)

  2. This is just for me!

    Lately I've been wondering why I chose to work at losing weight and work on the health benefits when I'm so close to my 75th birthday. Shouldn't I be giving up and sitting in my rocking chair waiting for ????

    It's so cool to be fitter and stronger than I was 2 years ago. Today I was fitted for new bras Woohoo! Uplift, - gone is the ugly droop. Never too old indeed.

    Watch this space. My life is taking on a new look in more ways than one. *smiles* and *giggles*!

    Never too old. Never too late ..... although I suspect that if I don't cultivate this attitude one day it will be to late and I will be too old.


    1. The progress you've made is so inspirational, MargieAnne! It gives me hope. I'm glad you could connect with the poster. :-)

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Jules. This quote is very meaningful to me... so glad you liked it!

  4. that is suitable fro framing!
