Saturday, October 06, 2012

A Dolphin & The Rest of the Story

I wrote a post a while back about a series with 3 paintings I created based on Proverbs. Their story is HERE. 

Here are thumbnails of the set (can click to enlarge):

I sold a few prints from that series, and recently I was told a most wonderful story about the journey one of those prints took, and it warmed my heart.

A lady purchased the set of three, took them home, and displayed them. One day her granddaughter saw the one with the dolphins, and fell in love with it. Grandma had it framed and gave it to her granddaughter, hanging it in the young girls room. 

The Grandma says that now the young girl loves to make up fantastic stories about the dolpins! 

Hearing that just tickled me pink. Oh, how I'd love to hear one of those adventure stories!

How fun would it be to some day discover that this imaginative little girl had become a writer!!

Here is a larger view of that dolphin painting, titled "A Friend Loves At All Times".

Thanks for reading,
